10 October 2013

Happy Thursday

While out walking this morning, I was enjoying the blue skies and low temps and winged things, and just generally in a good mood.  I passed a few other walkers and runners on my way, but a person on a bicycle passed me on the last leg of my trip, looked back at me and exclaimed, "Happy Thursday!"  I can't tell you how that made my day. I got a little more spring in my step.  Funny, how just a little light shared from another being can change you.  He might have well have said, "Namaste."   Seriously.  This IS the day that our Source has made, and I will rejoice and find many things to be glad about in it.

Happy Thursday, indeed!
Autumn has finally arrived on the Gulf Coast.  The days are balmy, the mornings crisp, and the humidity mercifully low.  The golden light of the afternoon hits the cut-glass crystals in the window, spilling liquid color across cross my walls.  My eyelids begin to droop a little, and my eyes stare off into space.  'Tis the season of daydreaming - cats dozing in windows in the sun, spiders busy spinning their filmy webs, and the drone and sudden flash of blue dragonflies.  It's startling how they magically appear out of nowhere and are suddenly everywhere- atop door handles and hoods of cars, stuck to the screen door.  They seem to be from the dreamtime, reminding us this is a time to go within to the rich landscape of dreams and imagination.  In a busy, plugged-in world, it's time to let your mind slip sideways.  Get outside and let Nature replenish your stores.